What is the problem?
Digitalisation is rapidly changing society. With technological advances, come new challenges and opportunities in areas such as education, business, governance, justice and healthcare. Decision-making within these spheres is also affected as digital technology replaces, supplements or improves decision-making of individuals. For example, decisions to shop and do business online, choosing to interact with banks and the government (such as submitting tax returns) through the internet and working remotely are just some ways in which digitalisation impacts human decision-making.
What do we do?
Through interdisciplinary collaborations, our decision science research assists in understanding, navigating and responding to the impact of digitalisation on individual decision-making. By advising on emerging decision science research, we assist policymakers to be prepared for the future of digitalisation with the goal of ensuring inclusive and sustainable societies.
What are our aims?
At the Radboud Center for Decision Science, experts are brought together 1) to investigate the nature and impact of digital technology on human decision-making and 2) to better understand the future of digitalisation on decision-making in policy and society.