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Iris Hendrickx

Faculty of Arts

Iris Hendrickx is an Assistant Profesor at the Center for Language StudiesRadboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Previously she have worked at, and currently is still a collaborative researcher at the Linguistics Center of the University of Lisboa in Portugal.


Her research interests are positioned in the field of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. Some keywords to describe her interests: Machine Learning, Digital humanities, Lexical and Relational semantics, Modality, Word Sense Disambiguation, Text Categorization, Coreference Resolution, Named Entity recognition, Automatic Summarization, Dialogue systems.


After finishing her masters at Tilburg University, she stayed there for another four years as a member of the ILK research group to write her PhD thesis. After that, she worked at a company AskNow for a short while. From 2006 to 2009, she was a researcher at the CLiPS Language Technology group (previously CNTS) at the University of Antwerp and in 2009 she worked at the LT³, the Language and Translation Technology Team at the University College Ghent, Belgium.


To learn more about Iris, visit:

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